This illustrated biography follows the highs and lows of Kylie Minogue’s extraordinary showbiz career. Starting with her suburban childhood in Melbourne, Australia, it recounts her years as a teenage TV star culminating in the role of feisty mechanic Charlene Mitchell, that propelled her to early fame in Neighbours. It then examines her ascent to the top of the pop charts via 1980s hit machine Stock, Aitkin and Waterman, her subsequent reclamation of her artistic integrity, her “indie” years and her return to classic disco pop. The book also covers her romantic relationships with fellow pop/soap star Jason Donovan, the late INXS frontman Michael Hutchence and model James Gooding. Featuring many quotes from Kylie herself on love, life, fame and the joys of hotpants, this book brings her fans up-to-date on the most recent developments in her life, her tours, her many awards and her future plans.
“There seems to be more Kylie now than we know what to do with…well…maybe not for the male population! This is yet another publication that has jumped on the Minogue biography bandwagon. It has to be said though that out of the titles that have been published recently, this is the most lavish. Laid out to look much like a magazine, it’s wall to wall with glossy colour pictures, yet generously supported by text. As much as the general outlining of her career up to the present day, it’s a beautifully presented memorabilia to adorn your collection with. In good old chronological order, it takes you through not only how this pint sized wonder made it big, but all of the different looks she’s tried out, much like Madonna. You’ll just be amazed by how good she looks in all of the pictures, and how she’s managed to keep it up for over more than a decade in the limelight. The pictures have got a very ‘Vanity Fair’ quality to them and they break up the story a bit more and give you more to look at, which is an added bonus. One to buy if you are a true Kylie fan.” Mojo (4½/5)
“Kylie Minogue is famous for her flawless grooming and this latest unofficial biography is as gorgeously glossy as the star herself. With pictures and commentary guiding us through her every incarnation – from Indie Kylie to Sexy Kylie – we get an insight into the changing fortunes of this chameleon-like star. Shots of Kylie in those hotpants cause some hilarity when compared with the frumpy outfits sported by the star in her Neighbours days. And for those who wonder why Kylie can’t seem to settle down, we are given the low-down on her relationship with Michael Hutchence and current on-off boyfriend, James Gooding. The authors have also come up with interesting titbits about the star, such as her penchant for tequila. But what really separates this from the majority of Kylie books are the very qualities that make the diminutive beauty stand out in a crowd: it’s glossy, neatly packaged (coffee-table sized) and will appeal to a broad audience.” OK! 13th July 2002
Kylie Minogue: Showgirl Excerpt
All Titles | Biographies | Written by Bryony