Profit From Your Profile
Bryony Sutherland

This free eBook written for the digital marketing company Blinkered Media in 2010 was designed for people who wanted to learn more about social media, giving a taste of how the major networking sites could be best utilised and exploited to improve brand, business and bottom line.

Kevin Ashcroft: "Bryony has been fantastic to work with. She provides a very professional and consistent service. She is very focussed on the quality of work and how that will impact and affect both the client and her. One of the many qualities I rate in Bryony is the way she can view her writing and the needs of her client from an outside perspective. Her ability to work this way provide extra input to articles, ebooks and blogs which others wouldn't normally think of and is highly valuable. I have no hesitation in recommending Bryony as she holds many great qualities, two of which are she is extremely professional and very personable - a great combination. In summary, a fantastic person to work with that adds real value."