The Lighthouse Keepers
Grahame Anderson

A steady stream of visitors to an old Scottish lighthouse. The mysterious keepers who help dreams come true for strangers, and a journey through a symphony of love to the deepest depths of your soul.

This gentle story follows Max Bruford, an aspiring young music student torn between his parents' opposing views of his future. When he meets two mysterious lighthouse keepers, they give him something magical to help him achieve his goals. Forty years later, he returns and asks them to explain their gift. Their answer is not what he expected.

Grahame Anderson: “Bryony is a real ‘tour de force’ when it comes to editors. I love working with people who are super organised and understand their profession inside out and apply their skills to a very high standard. When I received my manuscript back from Bryony with her notes in many ways it was like winning the lottery. Unlike other edits I’ve had before where the editor has corrected my faults, Bryony took the time and explained the issues in the clearest of examples and very concisely (she’s a no-waffle person). She also gave me quality references and links to places online or books where I could get multiple examples to help me improve and understand my flaws. Everything about Bryony’s edit and approach is about helping and guidance. Whilst she cuts a mean edit and crossed out my waffling in the story, the most important thing for me was how she pointed out my inconsistencies in story, especially continuity, which she presented in a thirty-nine page document that will be my guide for years to come. I could praise her over and over but she’s a straight talker and would be embarrassed by all the fuss. Gold stars, heaps of praise, lots of whooping and hollering, finish with fireworks - 100% worth every penny.”