The Risk Paradox
Alan Ying & Doug Schneider

Why do some people embrace risk while others avoid it at all costs? How do you know when to take a chance or when to walk away? And what happens after a risk crashes miserably, pays off handsomely, or lands in the muddy middle of life?

The Risk Paradox examines the stories of over one hundred notable risk-takers, in business and life. This unprecedented study provides fascinating, intimate views on risk and its meaning―before, during, and after the plunge. The authors’ research reveals lessons and secrets of those who embrace risk as a part of life, taking us to the heart of the Risk Paradox itself: taking a risk is the least risky thing you can do to live a fulfilling life.

Doug Schneider: "I am very thankful for the work of our editor, Bryony Sutherland. This is my second book working with Bryony and I marvel at her professionalism, competence, and ability to turn my writing into an actual book."